Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Guide for the Terrified

Pick an obscure subject you know very little about. Research and read about it, watch videos on it, then write a five hundred-word essay. Don’t worry about making it sound like a Pulitzer prize-winning document; just pour your heart and effort into making it the best report you’ve ever written. You may have to sweet-talk your spouse or significant other, but you’ll be amazed how different it makes you feel.

They discovered that mice were more motivated to complete a maze when given mild electrical shocks. However, the mice hid in fear once the shocks became too strong. Paradoxically, in their dedicated efforts to protect you, they themselves get trapped—hopelessly trapped. Their generalizing what they believe could render you non-functional becomes perilously over-generalized, and these self-defensive parts become rigidified. I have previously written about how to extricate yourself from this defeatist trap—self-imposed, illusory, and ultimately not especially comfortable.

Seek out answers with an open mind, and don’t be afraid to question the answers also. Most people naturally avoid conflict in conversations. Practice communication openly, clearly, and honestly with others and listen to how they feel and express how you feel honestly.

You lacked the maturity and insight to logically evaluate what constituted serious danger versus what was merely a temporary setback or minor deviation from your day-to-day environment. Additionally, not yet having developed a theory of mind, you were apt to take personally negative things that didn't at all pertain to you. "What's a die for you may just be a stretch for somebody else," notes Britten.

So let’s talk about the seven steps for getting out of your Business Motivaiton comfort zone. Acomfort zoneis a self-imposed boundary where a person will refuse to push past. Doing so often fills h​im or her with nervousness and anxiety. Before we get to these seven steps to getting out of your comfort zone, let’s define the term “comfort zone” and how this concept can hold back many people.

It's human nature to want to protect ourselves from the unknown, and we tend to pull our security blankets even tighter around us when we simply think about conquering our biggest fears. That little voice inside your head that always seems to come up with a clever way to opt out of experiences you might be dreading needs to go. Again, we know ourselves better than anyone, and it can be easy to fall into the same old patterns and routines that bring us comfort. Here we take care of you for a change – both as a mom, and as a beautiful growing person. I worked to step out of my comfort zone again in small, tangible ways.

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